Kashas Design Build has it’s own woodworking shop!

Kashas Design Build has it’s own woodworking shop!

It’s been a dream of ours for many years and we’ve finally found the right space in the right location to set up shop.  We will no longer be limited to what we can do with standard portable tools on a job site (although Cliff has built some amazing stuff that way).

Here’s a quick video tour of our shop:

With our new set up we’ll be able to kick out some sweet custom projects like built-ins, vanities, closet systems, furniture and more. We’re keeping the location on the down low until we get settled in, but we can tell you that it’s in the Camas area and it’s not in a business park!

Our first project, already underway, is a built-in for our client’s home office. It will have a desk, TV cabinet, file drawers, bookshelves and a tall cabinet for storage. Here’s a sneak preview:


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