Sorry, Plan Drawing Guy (or Gal) Is Not An Architect

Now and then a client contacts us who has plans from an ‘architect’. Most of the time they use the term architect generically – what they really mean is they hired someone to draw plans. This person usually is not a trained architect and often has no design training at all. They just happen to know how to use a CAD (computer aided drafting) program.

This begs the question, what qualifies someone to design a home or remodel?

Do you need an architect?

For residential projects, in our area, you are not required to have an architect or credentialed designer involved. Anyone can draw the plans as long as they comply with the requirements of the building department.

What typically happens is a homeowner hires someone to provide house plans that have the bare minimum detail to satisfy the building department. The rest of the details are left to the contractor and homeowner to figure out. 

No one even knows if the design suits the clients needs, or in the case of a new home, if it is ideally suited for the lot it’s to be built on.

This leads to so many wasted opportunities and is the main source for much of the bad design in the world.

Good Design

Good design doesn’t just happen. It takes skill, experience, and training to become a good designer. 

Gaining these skills can be done through education and apprenticeship. Most good designers went to school and then started out working under a lead architect or designer to develop their craft. It takes years of effort to gain the experience needed to design spaces that look great and work as intended.

A person with a CAD program who draws ‘permit ready’ plans for a living rarely has put in the work to get these skills at all. 

The Plan Mill Approach

In fact, their business model for house plans is often more that of a ‘plan mill’ that pumps out plans for money. They don’t have any attachment to the final outcome. By the time the project is built, they’ve moved on.

The tragedy is that these projects get built and will be around for decades or centuries and are often terrible. It’s such a wasted opportunity.

Our Commitment to Design

At Kashas Design Build, we decided over 20 years ago that good design would be central to everything we do. To that end, we have experienced and talented designers on staff who love creating spaces especially for our clients. Designing for a client takes empathy, commitment, creativity, and the ability to translate a homeowner’s needs into a plan that solves their problem. 

If you’re ready to make your existing home feel as if it was custom built for you or are ready to build the home you’ve always wanted, get in touch with us here.


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